The latest
gaffe by a major record label: Sony has decided not to release the latest Fiona Apple album, "Extraordinary Machine," because, as far as I can tell, it "lacks a single." (
Wilco showed us all just how much that matters, didn't they?) When Fiona's first album came out, I didn't count myself among her biggest fans, but I've given this new album a listen and I think it has its moments. The production is by
Jon Brion (who has done some cool work, even though I lean more towards a
Jim O'Rourke sound), and on a lot of the songs her voice has a real P.J. Harvey feel to it, so that should be enough to impress all the tough guys out there.
The entire album is currently available for (legal?) free download at
this site. There is no guarantee written or implied on how long that link will last - who knows what Sony thinks of it. For those of us who don't like the guilty feeling we get in the gut from stealing music, it's possible to make conscience alleviating donations at
Free Fiona that may result in her at least someday getting some sort of recompense for her work. Hey, Justin, give this a listen and let me know what you think.