Shane MacGowan Documentary DVD

It looks as though Justin is interested, so in the off chance that he's not the only one I'll post a short review of Shane MacGowan: If I Should Fall From Grace. This documentary was made in 2001. There is a good deal of interview footage with MacGowan, most of it incomprehensible, in which he definitely looks worse for the wear of his legendarily hard lifestyle. There is also snarky interview material with former Pogues bandmates, both sides essentially blaming the other for the breakup of the band. For those of us who fancy ourselves drinkers, it's impressive to hear in these segments just how many bottles of gin it would take for Shane to be able to take the stage. His wife gets some interview time, and she comes off as the perfect companion for any brave warrior who plans to go to the grave well-pickled. The highlight of the video is the music, though. As someone who was too young to really appreciate the Pogues in their initial release, I hadn't seen many of the old videos, and those are mixed in with some very lively concert footage and even a song by Shane's first band, The Nips.
I liked this movie enough to watch it twice and recommend it highly, either as a chance to re-experience some of the best music made in the 80's or just as a cautionary look at the dangers of poor dental hygiene.
Dude. You have to be shitting me. And I never swear, I only do it here because it is encouraged and my jaw just hit the floor.
I stumbled across this blog by hitting the "Next Blog" button. I've been hitting "Next Blog" for months now. If there was ever a blog of interest it was written in Hungarian or Farsi. There was the "Nudist Blog", but it seems to have disappeared (really).
Truthfully, there has been nothing in your blog that has interested me too much, I just thought I would keep my eye on it because it seemed as though you had some potential.
Cars, drinking, swearing, yaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnn.
But Shane MacGowan. Now that is a topic. The Pogues (not the post-MacGowan version) still stand out in my mind when I think of good music.
Haven't followed the music scene for years. Have no idea what MacGowan is doing since he released his first CD with the Popes, but I will track down the movie of which you speak.
Thanks for the info. I hadn't even considered the possibility that there would be something new concerning the Pogues. They are simply a band from my past that I think was the greatest band ever. The stood head and shoulders above the next tier of musical acts: Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Stray Cats and Bob Marley.
I kinda feel like an Elvis fan who just found out he just released a new duet with Kid Rock.
Blog on.
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