Thursday, June 02, 2005

Latin Phrase of the Week

For the initial installment of my new "Latin Phrase of the Week" feature I've chosen Carthago delenda est - "Carthage must be destroyed". This is the phrase that famously incited the Third Punic War between Rome and Carthage (not the Hannibal crossing the Alps one, that was the Second Punic War). Carthago delenda est was the original catchphrase, used by the Roman senator Cato to end every speech he made in the senate, no matter what the subject. I like to use this one on friends who are going to study abroad, e.g., Friend: I'm spending the Fall studying in Rome. Me: Carthago delenda est!! It's a very bad joke that only a geek could love, but then I am king of the geeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live the King of the Geeks!!!

2:38 PM  

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